Can A Christian Vote For A Democratic Presidential Candidate?

For the first time in my life, after almost 40 years voting 100% Republican, I voted as a Christian for a Democrat this year. Is that even possible? After four intensive years of rethinking my doctrines and politics, I have concluded that my former right-wing positions on abortion, LGBTQ, racism, 2A, welfare, climate, immigration, and Christian Nationalism were WRONG. I take some time to explain exactly why I reached these conclusions.

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Finding Common Ground With My Atheist Friend: New Podcast Episode

Here’s a conversation with my friend Diego Mera. We talk a bit about our relationship and how we became friends, but one the reason I thought this would be an interesting conversation is that I consider myself a follower of Jesus and therefore a Christian, while Diego considers himself an atheist. And despite that significant difference, we’ve found a great value in our mutual relationship. I’d never actually spent much time talking with Diego about his religious history, and this seemed like a perfect topic. By the time we’re done, I think you’ll see that we agree on a lot more than we disagree on, and even our points of disagreement are not points of dispute, but instead points of mutual growth.

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How a Very Straight White Conservative Evangelical Christian Man Became Affirming

How on earth did I, a conservative evangelical straight man, ever become affirming? There were many reasons and steps in my journey and process; although it felt like an avalanche or landslide at times, it was worth it. So I wanted to share my story to give you hope that it’s really okay to tell God that yes, you’re willing to change and repent if God asks you to.

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Be Being Born Again

I recently realized that “born again” was the perfect description of my deconstruction and reconstruction. My faith doesn’t look much like it used to; it’s been such a dramatic change that it really feels like being reborn. But being born again is an ongoing process – “be being born again,” continually.

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Safety in Numbers?

The idea of finding safety in the long history of doctrine from the time of the Gospels until today is a false hope. The history of Christianity is much more messy and shaped by secular forces than I would like. I have to be comfortable with what the Holy Spirit is doing in my own mind and heart, even if it requires me to step away from a place of perceived safety, and to set aside some doctrine that my tribe was taught was immutable and eternal.

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