A Thousand Points of Light

That George H.W. Bush phrase, “A Thousand Points of Light?” from his inaugural speech in 1989 was deeply inspirational to me. That phrase, today, has captured my thoughts again, but perhaps in an unexpected way. And it shows how far we’ve fallen from those days that I remember. How can I be a point of light today?

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Stop Using Romans 13 as a Bludgeon

Too often, Romans 13:1-2 is used as a bludgeon to coerce people into meekly giving in to the current political regime and gaslighting their appropriate Spirit-led responses to the politics du jour. I’ve grown up enough to recognize it as outright spiritual abuse. And I’ve never heard it preached anytime other than during trying political seasons. That needs to stop.

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Can A Christian Vote For A Democratic Presidential Candidate?

For the first time in my life, after almost 40 years voting 100% Republican, I voted as a Christian for a Democrat this year. Is that even possible? After four intensive years of rethinking my doctrines and politics, I have concluded that my former right-wing positions on abortion, LGBTQ, racism, 2A, welfare, climate, immigration, and Christian Nationalism were WRONG. I take some time to explain exactly why I reached these conclusions.

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Law and Order and Unintended Consequences

School Resource Officer stands guard

A few weeks ago, a supermarket in Buffalo NY was the scene of a mass shooting. A few days later, another horrific shooting incident occurred in a primary school in Uvalde TX. Ever since the spate of police shootings and brutality erupted into the news in 2019 and 2020, I’ve been reexamining my position on gun rights and laws, and these recent incidents prompted me to spend some time considering the situation. Since it’s timely, I thought it was worth addressing school defense here on my blog.

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